Trinity Lutheran Church
The Life Group Project has begun again! We are currently meeting as a "large" small group at the church to begin the sequel to the "Truth Project," entitled "The Engagement Project." It is also led by Dr. Del Tackett, as was the "Truth Project." We normally meet on the third Sunday each month at 5:30 pm for light snacks and video discussion. Watch the bulletin, however, for changes to the schedule!
TLC’s “Life Groups” are small groups within the congregation designed for one purpose: to enhance the discipleship ministry of the church within its members and friends as it centers on the Word of God.
What are "Life Groups? A micro-community of 3 to 12 Jesus followers doing the Christian life deeply together. Or, slightly more defined: 3, 4, or 5 couples, individuals, or families, who are members of a church, that gather around the Word of God in study and prayer, for evangelism and outreach, and inviting 1 or 2 additional non member families/couples to participate in group activities. (1 or more families are NOT members of the church - and may never join, but are invited and exposed to the Christian fundamentals and lifestyle, i.e. 6 habits of a disciple - daily prayer, weekly worship, regular study of Bible, Sharing the Gospel, relating to one another through our common bond in Christ, giving generously of the 4 “T’s:” Time, Talents, Treasures, and Testimony.
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